Ahh . . . the
season of long awaited flowers! May Day is traditionally celebrated with giving flowers. I remember as a
kid leaving flowers on a neighbor’s doorstep, or giving a paper basket filled
with flowers to my mom.
In Hawaii, May Day is Lei Day. Click on the date to check out my September 23, 2010 posting to learn more about this celebration. Also, to
learn more about leis, click on this date and check out my post from October 14, 2010.
I hope this May
will be filled with flowers in the Pacific NW, as well as in your area of the
world. But, I can’t help closing my eyes and picturing as well as smelling the
colorful tropical flowers of Hawaii.
Here’s to May
flowers everywhere!
Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!
The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril