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Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Mighty Coconut!

The first Hawaiians used many things that grew around them to help them in their day to day living. Today I thought I’d talk a little about the Mighty Coconut.

Now, if you’re like me you just love coconut. Many favorite recipes from Hawaii use coconut. (check out my Bibingka recipe, a Filipino desert recipe.)

How did the early Hawaiians
make use of coconuts?

They ate the meat and drank the milk. The shell was used at containers. They also made use of the leaves in building shelters. The husk was used as a great "fire starter" and for braiding sennit. 

I had to look up “braiding sennit” to see what exactly it meant. Here’s what Wikipedia says about sennit braiding in Hawaii.


The term is also used in Hawaii and throughout Polynesia for cordage made by braiding the fibers of coconut husks. It was important in attaching the ʻama (outrigger float) via the iako (spars) to the hull of canoes, stones to war-club handles, erecting hale (houses), etc.

If you’re ever in a situation where you need to survive, I hope you have some coconuts around.

I have my coconut monkey bank--just in case!

Next week I'll tell you about The Heroic Coconut!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Remembering . . .

Monday is Memorial Day, set aside for remembering our loved ones who have passed away. It’s always nice to have a time where we focus on our family and friends who are no longer here to share our day-to-day activities, events, and memories.

My Parents, Betty and Gordon

I lost both parents within a four-year span of time—my dad, Gordon, first in 2004, then my mom, Betty, in 2008. I still want to pick up the phone and celebrate good news with her or cry on her shoulder when bad news invades my life. Who do I call now? Even though my husband and I share those happy or distressful moments, and my kids do as well, there’s just something missing when I can’t call Mom. I miss her very much.

My dad used to bring my kids all kinds of treasures he’d picked up at garage and estate sales or at resale shops. I still have the metal chain 1920s Flapper Purse he gave me years ago. He was an avid collector and I have kept a number of cherished items from his collections. I miss him very much.

My In-Laws, Adeline and Paul
I also think about my in-laws, Paul and Adeline, who passed away many years ago. Although my mother-in-law never saw her grandkids, my father-in-law knew Ian up to age 3, and was able to hold Ashley at two months. Both grandparents would have been so pleased with and proud of their grandchildren.

Memories of fun times and hilarious incidents still play in my brain when it comes to my own sets of grandparents. I pass those stories down to my kids. But the best news is knowing we’ll see them all again when we’re with the Lord someday.

Aren’t you glad to have this day to
remember special people?

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Summertime Means SHAVE ICE!!!

Summer's Almost Here!!!

And that means it's Hawaiian Shave Ice Time! I have GOT to get back to the islands so I can experience those amazing treats. A few years ago our entire family went on a cruise of the islands, but before we left Honolulu on the cruise, we enjoyed the island of Oahu for a few days. The day we visited the North Shore was one of our favorites.

We loved swimming with the turtles on the North Shore and gorging on Shave Ice at Aoki’s in Haleiwa.

My Husband, Ian, Ashley and Shane
Enjoying Their Shave Ices!

Shane, Ashley and Me--YUM!!

Aoki's At Haleiwa--North Shore of Oahu

Are you planning a trip to Oahu? You have to visit the North Shore, and enjoy a refreshing Shave Ice at Aoki's.

Click here for more information on Aoki’s:

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Moms--You'll LOVE These (Dads Too!)

Aren't These Just The Cutest???

Crocheted Baby Flip-Flops From Etsy.com

My daughter is a first-time mom, so, as you might figure, I have a ton of fun looking for cute things for my very first grandchild--And these flip-flops are amazing!

Do you crochet? Sure wish I did so I could make a pair of these. But, alas, I'm a writer, not a crocheter! I've tried before, and tried knitting as well, but they're just not my thing.

I did like quilting and sewing (years ago!), so I decided to try my hand at a quilt, sheet, crib ruffles and bumpers for my grand baby's crib--yaaaaay, success! Here are a couple photos.

The Quilt

The Crib With Sheet and Bumpers (Can't see the Ruffles!)

Happy Mother's Day!!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

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Thank you so much for your support, and happy reading and reviewing!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!
