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Thursday, August 30, 2012

R is for Rain . . .


Yes!! It does Rain in Hawaii—nearly every day. But the rain in Hawaii comes usually as a quick tropical downpour. It’s wet, but warm, and seems to vanish as quickly as it appeared. Depending on which island and which side of the island you’re on, Rain can be light or heavy during the year, and there are definite rainy seasons. My favorite experience was hearing the rain blow through at night while I was in bed. The next day, then entire area was refreshed—and the sun was shining. Ahhh . . . what great memories!

Here’s one other “stormy” word—Rivers. That’s the last name of Carly, the kid’s dreaded enemy. So, how does she end up with Leilani’s treasured surfboard? Oh my—those little twists and turns of life! Experience them with Leilani, Maile, Sam and Kimo when you read Pineapples in Peril.

Blog Tour Continues!! Tomorrow, Friday, August 31, please visit Sharon Srock's Blog for the next review/interview about Pineapples in Peril!

Come back again on Monday as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Monday, August 27, 2012

Q is for Questions . . .

Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net

Ever had a younger sibling or a child/grandchild who drives you crazy with a b’zillion Questions? That’s what Kimo constantly does to Leilani.

Kimo wants desperately to be part of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club. He bothers her and tells her why she needs him as part of the team—because he’s a really, really good detective and knows lots of stuff!

Will Leilani ever give Kimo a shot? And what happens when Kimo discovers something about Leilani and threatens to tell their mom? Hmm . . . bet this sounds familiar to those of you with siblings. Me too—I have younger brothers!

Blog Tour Continues!! On Thursday, I'll let you know where to go on Friday, August 31, for the next review/interview about Pineapples in Peril!

I hope to see you again on Mondays and Thursdays as I continue through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Thursday, August 23, 2012

P is for Pineapples . . .


in Peril! Of course! What better P words could there possibly be?

How about Plantation. The Pineapples that are in Peril are growing in the Tong Plantation. Someone is vandalizing—smashing, gashing, cutting and destroying plants. Leilani and her friends make it their mission to find out who’s doing it and why.

Did you know that it takes 18 months for a Pineapple to grow to maturity? That’s why the destruction has such a negative impact on the Plantation.

Another great P word is Pidgin. No, I’m not talking about a bird, but about the type of local English used by Hawaiians, especially when hanging out with friends. Kainoa uses Pidgin fairly regularly and you’ll have fun reading what he says and then figuring out what he’s talking about by Leilani or Maile’s response to him.

You’ll feel like you’ve been transported to the islands!

Blog Tour Begins!! Stay tuned and I'll let you know when and where to read the next review/interview about Pineapples in Peril!

Don’t forget to come back every Monday and Thursday as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Monday, August 20, 2012

O is for Olivia


Three Precious Packages--
Mom (Olivia), Leilani and Kimo

Olivia Akamai is Leilani’s mom. She’s blonde and has a slight built, unlike her daughter who takes after the Hawaiian side of the family.

Olivia doesn’t appreciate Leilani’s intense interest in mysteries, spying, investigating, and interrogating. She worries about her and probably feels more than the normal amount of “mama bear” caring since Leilani’s dad died about a year before.

But then, like every great mom, Olivia recalls many a precious moment of her daughters youth when she’s caught her hiding in weird places, been interrogated to the point of feeling guilty (for doing absolutely nothing, by the way!) and had to patch Leilani up when she’d fallen from a less-than-cooperative tree or scratched herself when crawling through muck and mire to spy on someone.

You moms out there know about the angst that accompanies raising active, intense and determined kids!

O is also for Onakea, Maile and Kainoa’s last name. Maile is Leilani’s best female friend, and Kainoa is her surfing buddy and coach since Leilani was eight. Now that she’s 13, she see’s Kainoa a bit differently than when she was younger. Hmm . . . how will that play out??

Blog Tour Begins!! If you haven't already, please check out Davalynn Spencer's Blog from Saturday, August 18, to read the very first review about Pineapples in Peril!

Join me on Mondays and Thursdays as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble


Thursday, August 16, 2012

N is for No Pro-blem-o!

Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net

Sam Bennett, the third official member of the club and the only male—unless you consider Kimo who figures he really needs to be part of the group to round out the girl to boy ratios, uses No Pro-blem-o a lot. He’s pretty calm about things for the most part, but does like to talk a lot.

And burp a lot. That’s because he’s constantly eating or drinking something. If you checked Sam’s pockets, they’d always contain a good supply of snacks. If the kids ever got stranded? Hmmm . . .

No Pro-blem-o!

Blog Tour Begins!! Check Out Davalynn Spencer's Blog on Saturday, August 18, to read a review about Pineapples in Peril!

Come back again on Monday as I continue to go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Monday, August 13, 2012

M is for Maile


Maile Onakea is Leilani’s best friend and one of the official members of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club. Maile is Leilani’s best cheerleader. She suspects Leilani has a crush on her older brother, Kainoa, but can’t really understand how her friend could like her “surfer dude” brother. Ahhh . . . sisters!

M is also for Mahalo which means Thank You in Hawaiian. Mystery is also a great M word since that’s what this series is all about!

And, finally, M is for Mahhhhhhhm! Any idea who screams, shrieks, hollers or yells this a lot? Of course—Kimo!

See you every Monday and Thursday as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Thursday, August 9, 2012

L is for Leilani


Leilani Akamai is the point of view character in the entire series. That means you see everything through her eyes. She’s a typical young teen—confused about life, boys, her family, and life in general.

One thing she’s not confused about—her desire to be a detective and solve a real crime—not the pretend stuff she and her friends used to do when they were kids.

I think when adults read the series, they get a chance to remember what it was like during those rough years of self-discovery and angst.

Luana Onakea is Maile and Kainoa’s mom. She and Leilani’s mom figure they need to raise all the kids together. They certainly do keep the two moms on their toes!

Don’t forget to come back every Monday and Thursday as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Monday, August 6, 2012

K is for Kimo


Ahhh . . . yes—Kimo! He’s Leilani’s ten-year-old brother who really, really wants to be part of the detective club. Kimo drives Leilani bonkers while trying to prove he’s a great investigator. Mostly he just manages to annoy his teenage sister and her friends.

What do you think might happen? Will Kimo succeed? Or will he just get himself into even more trouble? Will he spoil things for Leilani?

And then there’s Kainoa, Leilani’s surfing buddy and instructor since she was eight. He’s the 16-year-old older brother of Leilani’s best friend, Maile. And—you guessed it—Leilani has a crush on him. But then something happens and Leilani fears she may have lost “the love of her life” and her surfing buddy forever.

Ahhh . . . the angst of being a young teen. Remember those days? I sure do.

Join me on Mondays and Thursdays as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Thursday, August 2, 2012

J is for Justice

Renjith Krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

More than anything, Leilani and her friends want to unmask the culprit who is vandalizing the pineapple fields. She wants to discover the “whys” behind their criminal behavior and see Justice for the owners of the Tong Plantation.

Yes, since she’s out of the surfing game for the summer, she’s made her Job to be an amazing detective and solve the mystery. But how will she do that? Where will she start? How can she get connected to the plantation and the people who run it?

Hmmm . . . you’ll have to read Pineapples in Peril to find out!

Please continue joining me on Mondays and Thursdays as I go through the alphabet, giving you little snippets of words from Pineapples in Peril (Book 1 of The Hawaiian Island Detective Club.) It’s the ABCs OF THE HIDC!—until the release date for Pineapples on October 2, 2012.

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW for Pre-Order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble