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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Have a Flip-Flop Party!!

From My Story in Recipes: Flip Flop Nutter Butters

Now that Summer Has Officially Arrived, why not celebrate with an outdoor bar-b-q and a Flip-Flop Party!!

Here's a link to a fun Pinterest Page with some great ideas for a Flip-Flop Summer Party!

Take a look, enjoy, and then let me know if you used any of the fun ideas. OR--do you have ideas of your own?? Please share them with me--I LOVE everything and anything Flip-Flop!!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Oh That Blazing Sun!!!

I live in the Pacific NW, so we don't get too many "Blazing Sunshine" days.

I think when you're visiting the islands, you probably remember to take and use sunscreen--not so much when you're in a mostly overcast climate--even during many days in the summer.

When I put on "My Other Hat" as a Mary Kay Senior Consultant, I am concerned about great skin care. Part of great skin care is protecting against the sun.

When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it is FDA approved. Here is a link to FDA information on sunscreens:

There are also many myths about sunscreens--for instance, many people think that if they use an SPF 30, they are getting twice the protection of SPF 15. NOT SO! Here is a link to some more sunscreen myths:

Remember, sunscreens that have antioxidants as part of their ingredients will fight all those free radicals! Now that you are armed with some facts, go out any enjoy the sun!!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hmmm . . . How About A Tie?

This Sunday is Father's Day. So, what are you doing to celebrate??

We'll probably get together for dinner. This year will be especially wonderful because our first grand baby had his first birthday earlier this month!! How exciting for our son-in-law to celebrate his first Father's Day and for my husband to celebrate his first Father's Day as a grandpa!

I don't know what I'll give my hubby for this special "Grandpa's Day", but if it were a tie, it could be like this one (stolen from on birthday card!)

     Happy Father's Day!!!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Coconuts To The Rescue!

A couple years ago I was watching a medical show on TV where doctors in a jungle used the liquid inside a coconut to act like plasma for a patient when the blood supply ran out.

I wondered if this was based in any kind of fact. Here is some information I discovered, and links to the information:

Monday, Nov 24, 2003 states:

"It (coconut juice) is also considered a close substitute for blood plasma since it is sterile, cool, easily absorbed by the body and does not destroy red blood cells. To quote Morton Satin, Chief of Food and Agricultural Organisation's Agricultural Industries and Post Harvest Management Service: "It is a natural isotonic beverage with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It is the fluid of life, so to speak."

It is important to note that we are talking about the liquid inside the coconut—the juice--not coconut milk which is thick and milky white, made from the meat of the coconut.

Also, the juice can work as hydration when needed in emergency situations.

Go to this web site to read a little more the Heroic Coconut. There's also some great info in case you ever knock out a tooth!

Aloha, and Mahalo for visiting!

The Hawaiian Island Detective Club
Book One—Pineapples in Peril
Available NOW!
Book Two—Menehunes Missing
Available NOW!
Book Three—Ukuleles Undercover
Available NOW!
